View All 10 dog breeds most often blacklisted by home insurance carriers
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The American Pit Bull Terrier (Photo: Thinkstock / horsesdogscats)


Although domesticated dogs may seem quite friendly and approachable, there 

are occasions when they can be dangerous. There have been a number of cases
 in the U.S. involving vicious dog attacks on both humans and other pets.

The breed of dog you own could make it more difficult to secure Homeowners insurance.
 Insurers are hesitant in offering coverage to homeowners who own breeds and mixes that
insurers believe are more likely to bite and cause injuries. According to,
more than 700 cities in the U.S. have adopted breed-specific laws since the mid-1980s,
following the rise in popularity of pit bulls in the general population.

A report from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reveals that between 1997 and 1998,
dog-bite attacks were the reason behind the deaths of at least 27 people. Of that number,
19 (70%) were children, eight were adults, and approximately half (56%) were male. Five (19%)
of these deadly attacks involved unrestrained dogs off the owners’ property, 18 (67%) involved
unrestrained dogs on the owners’ property, three (11%) involved restrained dogs on the owners’
property, and one (4%) involved a restrained dog off the owner’s property.

Seventeen states reported fatal attacks, including California with four deaths; Georgia and North
Carolina reported three deaths each; Kansas, Texas, and Wisconsin reported two each; and
Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New York,
South Dakota, and Tennessee each reported one.

The CDC report cited that Rottweilers were the most commonly reported breed involved in fatal
attacks, followed by pit bull-type dogs. Together, these two breeds were involved in approximately
 60% of human deaths. 

Einhorn Insurance, a San Diego, Calif., agency that assists responsible dog owners in finding
carriers that don’t discriminate, has compiled a list of the 10 breeds most often deemed
dangerous by insurance companies. Let’s take a look at them.

Pit Bulls and Staffordshire Terriers

Doberman Pinschers


Chow Chows

Great Danes

Perro de Presa Canario


Alaskan Malamute

German Shepherds

Siberian Huskies

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Tags : Vancouver, Washington, Home Insurance, dog bites, Insurance, Homeowners Insurance, blacklist,

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